Saturday, 27 December 2008


Hi. I'm Mac and he's PC. Pakan. I'm in Borneo island. Pakan. Cawir. KK's great, we've been staying at our cousin's place. The heater doesnt work ah.. sajuk. I dont like cold shower. Hahahahhahaha. 1 Borneo basaar. Basar banar. Like.. basar wah. Au basar. I noticed there are many Bruneian cars here. Ramai.. Ramai banar. Majal. Chances here meeting friends are 20 to 1. I met mine in Centrepoint. I'm at an Internet Cafe with ou malaysian cousin while my parents.. entah kemana. Adah ikut my parennts.

Ah.. school's coming. O'level lagi. I'm going to be better this time. I got Pos. 6. In which it gave me hope that i could do better. I beat chantelle in Biology and English. I beat Zimah at English. I'm going to improve better. Hopefully. Insya allah buleh. I'm aiming on courses involving Biology. Might take Biotech or BioChem Engineering. I've thought of my future. Hahahaha. I'm that kind. Kenapakan?! hahahahha.

Paksa ku antisocial ni. :P Hahhahahahah. I call dibs on the back row (or is it column... you get me, right?) I don't like the front row.. It hurts my eye. Hahahahha. And.. I could see what people are doing from the back. + aku inda suka kana liat from the back. Cuba kamu ambil seat ku belakang. Tabak kamu. Macam murtabak. Pakan. Nyaman tu eh. Aaaand Chong and Wilson.. i might have to isolate myself from you guys.. sorry. Hahahahhaha. I need concentration, you guys understand riiiight? by isolate i mean our seating arrange. Not the whole time... that i cant stand. Hahahahha.

Anywaays.. nanti ku lagi update.. blank now. BYE!

Monday, 22 December 2008

Zip a dee doo daaah

Hi. Haven't updated in awhile so... yataaaah niiiii update tah ku ni. Pakan. Anywaays, i'm getting okay now since the asthma started. I feel a little better but the astma's still there. Last 2 days i slept at Pes's place. Main Guitar Hero: World Tour. Durang ada the drum kits ah.. yatah siuk. Menyanyi kaliaaaaaah. HAhahahahha. The next day, my parent's 29th anniversary. My sisters made scrapbook for our parents.

My adik psycho kan scrapbooking ah. Berapa hours ia scrapbooking last night. Sekali ahir tidur lagi tu. Anyways, im watching Man vs. Wild now. Aborigines! :D pakan. Hahahhahaha. Gila porcupines ani.. it's known that it can kill lions with its needles. WOW. Pakan.

And readers, I wont be blogging in awhile. But il try lah. Right now.. inda ku tahu apakan blog about..
til then! good night!

Thursday, 18 December 2008


My asthma is back.. you know how bad it is? Everytime I breath my chest hurts. I thought it was my something else, but my sister told me it's asthma.. a higher degree asthma. Jeng jeng. Walking down the stairs felt like your diaphragm (the barrier seperating the respiratory and digestive system) isn't there and your lungs would just... tumble into the digestive parts. I lose my breath that easy now. I need the hopsital. :P

Went out with Fezz sama Mezz. Si Azmi pun ada! :D hahahaha. Lama sudah balum jalan sama durang ah. It was last year when fezz, me and mezz went out. Then a year after, there we are jalan again yesterday. Gila kan? Mez, GILA AH? Gila wah.. Gila. :P

Anyways, im going to mandi. 
BYE! :)

Saturday, 13 December 2008

New Layout

I changed my layout. Command Prompt-like layout, fixing it was exhausting. Give me feedbacks people! Do you like it? Do you? Do you? Do you like it? Do you? What do you thnk? Do you like it? 

Wednesday, 10 December 2008

LOOK LOOK! LOOK! DO YOU SEE IT! LOOK! LOOK! :D:D:D:D: CAN YOU SEE IT NOW? DO YOU? DO YOU? :D:D:D:  DO YOU?! (its much clearer if youd just click for full view)

Au wah. Tu arah my neck. That black spot (taie lalat). Bukan pulang birthmark tu.. its man-made. You know how i made that mark? Guess: a) i shot myself with a real 9mm, b) i shot myself with an 'a-gun' or c) i shot myself with a 'bb-gun' (refer to 70's show season 7?). It's your choice. I'll just tell you this.. the safety was on before i tried pulling the trigger.. then i was so curious, i accidently turned the safety off. Aaaand, i pulled the trigger on my neck after i said, "BANG DOS BANG DOS! NI LIAT" *BANG!* By the way it happened when I was 9?

I call it.. the mark of stupidity! :P 

LOOK UNCLE PABLO! IRFAN HAS A GIRLFRIEND! :D (You'll see a lipstick mark on his cheek)

Note: I did not kiss him 

I'm sorry mi.. What can I say? Blame temptation. :P

Lokasi: Nyonya Restaurant

'til then!

Friday, 5 December 2008

Facts about me (Tag)

Got tagged by monica. 

Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post this rules.
2. Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
3. Other blogger who are also tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
4. You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
5. It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards, letting them know about the award they've received.

- I procrastinate a lot.
- I like to eat. Eating is my life. I can't get fat anyways. And I love chillis. 
- I am most likely to survive a zombie outbreak bcs i survived L4D on Expert. :P
- I like Zombie movies/games. And oh also scary movies. 
- I like being accurate. Ie, I like Snipers and Assault Rifles. 
- I like being a leader. ie, i play lotsa tactical shooting games. 
- Aku pemalu... I don't know what to say if i meet someone new.
- I like biology.
- I talk in my sleep.
- I don't wear jeans, only baggy cargo pants. I like white shirts.

I’m going to tag: Zul, Cici, Ka Syimah, Umi Haziyah.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008


I don't care what you think,  as long as it's about me.

Fall Out Boy is btchn'. Hahahhaha. I used to get bored with their previous album, but their new one  'Folie à deux' is :'). Hahahahha. 

I bought L4D! :D:D:D:D::D:D Zombie sht rocks. It's like 28 series but you're playing them. Hahahahaha. Regular infected is easy to kill. My first ecounter with a special infected was.. the HUNTER! :O they're frkn FAST man, they jump on you and youd me defenseless. Witches are damn eery.. Durang menangis atu wah membari ijap. Flashlights lagi mesti tutup.. thet don't like light or sounds. Once you startle them, RUN! If that doesn't work light em up with MOLOTOVS! :D You'll get an achievment, Burn the Witch. Hahahahha. Don't ever split up from your survivor friends. Snipers are useless unless your friends are playing with you.. you cant really rely on AI's. My weapon of choice, the assault rifle (Y). I lost Zoey on the first Act. :'( I.. I tried to save her from being attacked by hordes.. but.. bbut.. they kept on coming.. and and hordes were also attacking me, blocking my way to revive her. She survived until the tank came. I had no choice to be extracted. :'( Rest in peace, Zoey. :P (emosi)


You Forgot It In People album art

I was dared to make a review on Broken Social Scene. Hahahaha. I don't know much about them. Just the songs. Their kind of music; indie. The first song I knew was the 'Stars and Sons'. And soon I tried listening their songs on one of the album, You Forgot It in People. I like 'Cause = Time'. :D Man, i'm bad at reviewing. Hhahahahahha. I don't know if you'd like indie.. A dare is a dare and Broken Social Scene is alright. :D

Monday, 1 December 2008

GoW is butipul. :')

Atu wah kamu.. Cuba kamu liat ni. Cemani bis durang bagi icecream ku tadi di Expacade. Along with, "NAH LO! ICECREAM GREEN TEA!". Skali Fez cakap, "It just works". Selalu nya bulat kan? Ani durang mash wah! Sekali! Atu wah.. Ahhh.. Sekali, apa tu ahhh. Ammmmm. Ahhhhhhhhh.. Apa ni. Ahhhhh, tadi nyaman wah Burger ah. (tukar subject)

I went out tadi, Coyote meni-pedi. While kami kana tandang keluar kerita with just 20 dollars di Gadong. Soooo, me and Fez kan makan DQ. Tetapi habis.. he wanted something 'cold' and and 'cold'. Sekali Fez ada one place lagi di Centrepoint. As we made our way through McD's.. tais liur tia Burger. We both ordered Spicy Chicken McDeluxe. Sekali atu wah, ada this two guys macam kami wah. Dua urang saja hang out.. Coincidental, durang ordered Spicy Chicken McDeluxe. WOW. Banyak cerita tadi such as how fast we would eat. Then I told him how i carefully observe the quantities of cocktail sausages and katam he had this morning.. as soon as inda balance, i started panicking. :O Tapi diam diam lah, without him knowing. Hahahahahah. Sekali ya angkat ia punya piring with the cocktail on his hand then he started smiling at me. :|  That scared the shit out of me man. And then i realised my sausages WITH cheese tinggal dua, while my katam tinggal 1. :O

The night before kami main GoW2 with bots on 'Insane' difficulty. I will give you one important advice.. 'Security, like cleanliness, is next to godliness'. :P Hahahhahahaha, apakan. Everything I need in life other than the holy book, I learned from GoW. :P Hahahhahhahahah. And Oh yeah, Fez lost a chainsaw duel to my adik. 

And yeah, i was kidding around about the icecream. Dont kill me.. i love you.. :P