Saturday, 25 October 2008


I shaved my sumit a little. Hahahahhaha. Sikiiiiiiiiiiit saja. You won't notice the difference. Putungan rumput saja. Hahahahah. Awal-awal inda balance ah. The other side is hairier than the other one. Hahaha. Cacat. Hmmm, I felt.. a little part of me is.. is.. just gone.. It's just.. i mean.. gone. My thought macam, "Woah, mana tia sumit ku?" pakan. :P  My seat-mate tu memajaaaaaaaaaaaal. "Naqib, shave you moustache (mustache?)." the folowing day, "Shave it!" then the next until hari ani. I didnt want to pasal.. you know the saying, "Jangan dicukur. Betambah tu." I dont know if its proven.. Hahaha. So until today i shaved.. a bit. :P

Exams are coming in a day and a quarter left. First day- B. Melayu. Bloody hell man, I dislike B. Melayu. Even though it my own language apa. Walaupun aku kadang-kadang pakai bahasa melayu ah. Masih jua ku bangang atu wah. I think it's because aku inda berapa Behasa Standard.. Maybe. 'Ali sedari bahawa Ali telah kantut.' Hahaha, pakan. :P I'm quite ready for A. Math, Physics and Chemistry. Bio still revising and Geo. Teacher gaves us hints on Geo apa. Sep lah. Alhamdulillah. Hahahaha. I can't wait to end this man.. Haha. Exams ends on the fourth.. Ahhh yes, Glory Day. (Setahi, O-level balum habis) 

hmmmm, it seems that the theory of cognitive dissonance might have been proven... yet. Well maybe. 

Anywaays, i should probably study now. Night People!
I should probably