Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Exam's over

Fiiiiiiiinally, it is over. Today, i had chemistry, physics and bio paper ones.. Chemistry was easier than expected. Physics (Y) and bio (Y). A. maths gila ahh, it's even tougher than last time. Semua urang kepayahan ani wah.. even yang math genius pun kepayahan. B. melayu, i wont be expecting distinction.. most probably C6 :P. Hahahaha. I wrote Fact Writing on Paper 1 English. It's something i had many ideas about. I chose 'Loneliness' as my topic. :P Hahahahhaha. Cawir. D. Maths was okaay.. everything turned out okay except A. math. :|||||||||

I was chosen for the Student's Forum.. Menglait is one of the school that got chosen out of 5? 6?I don't really know what's it about but we have to give ideas and points. Topic nya: Why teenagers face more challenges today. I filled in the form apa.. the heading says 'Student's Forum' and something something ' '64 Alumni SOASC (Sultans thing thing dot dot)' I don't remember. We had to give it before 12.30 tadi.. Kana tanya apa smua achievements.. Extra-Curriculum Activites and Awards. Hobbies, Ambition and Life's Principle. Hahahhaha. Life Principle inda tau apa kan di isi.. i wrote something about sarcasm. :P Hahahhaha. Screw it. Other than aku yang kana pilih are Dayah and Fina. Dayah's dad cakap, buleh dapat scholarship if you join these kind of stuff. Or was it sanang dapat kan? Hahaha. I've got two EC A going on now.. this and PRYNSA. Jeng jeng.

I'm blank now. I'm going to go.. tidur. And celebrate. (O level lagi ni. :\)

The cake is a lie!