So, two things happened today; Student's Forum and PRYNSA. Student's Forum went well! We wore blazers. It's doesn't suit Menglait's uniform. Menglait's seluar grey while the blazer hitam. And the logo bida ah. SOASC saaiz sikit. Masa refreshment nada curry puff. :( *yda's sad face expression*. Before kan balik skulah Sir Irwan treated us Coffee Bean (yes, i know a lot of you would think that going for coffee is coooool and im like showing off. screw that. i'm not.) Apparently, Sir Irwan plays C&C games. He has Red Alert 3 maaaaaaaaaan. He's going to lend me the copy on Saturday. He wants to challenge me. Hahahaha. When I play, I take defensive actions. (you know the saying defense is the best offense? yeaaah, not because of that. Hahahahha, fyi) After building some defenses and the units garrisoned, I'd train up units who takes offensive actions. Why am i telling you this? Cuba kamu kalau kamu ikut kan tactics ku. :P Hahahahha, just felt like telling wah. Hahahaha.
The Soviets are back and it's enemy The Allies. There's a new faction kana buat called, The Rising Sun, the Japanese. It's going to be cool. Almost all structures can now be built offshore, out of reach of some enemy units. Muahahahah. The guy on the right side macam 'Big Daddy' from Bio Shock. Hahaha. I think the girl is the 'Little Sister' and the bear.. is just... just a bear.
Bla bla blaaa, we went out for dinner at iLotus. Supposedly celebrating Abang Dos's birthday while he.. is in UK. Hahahaha. Happy Birthday Ninja Brother. I got you a present.. A Sacred Ninja Scroll. :P Cawir jua eh. Damn i'm full.. (alhamdulillah) Ate a lot.. 2 and a half mangkuk of nasi. (the small mangkuk not the big one.. atu gila tu.. mual tarus) and drank 5 cups of chinese tea. Abis bank eh.. This also proves that im not bloody anorexic. Please.. i dont like being called anorexic especially when he knows that im not but he's just trying to make me annoyed. :P To whom it may concern. :P I eat a lot, okay? It's my metabolism. Im grateful having high metabolism. It's fun to eat. Hahhahaha, that saying.. yang 'you are what you eat', that doesnt affect me. Hahhahaha. Someone came up with the theory of this saying. "If i am what i eat, does that mean im a burger?" hahahhahahahah, genius ya atu eh.
Anywaaaaaaaaaaaays, im going to go. I downloaded the latest episode of Heroes. Muahahha. :P And thanks for reading stpri people. Hahhahahahahah! (the alumni people found my blog.. hairan ku jua tu cemana durang tau)
yda is my placebo ;)
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